Build and Test DeltaSpike from Source

The DeltaSpike source (modules and examples) is provided for inspection, contribution and testing purposes. The source must be built with Maven, which has been used to automate the compilation, testing and packaging processes. Arquillian tests are included with the source and a CDI implementation or container can be specified with which to carry out the tests.

In all cases, to obtain the DeltaSpike source, download and extract the contents.

You can also obtain the DeltaSpike source from the project Git repository. The repository is subject to change and it can be used for contributing but should not be used in production environments. For more information, see Contribute to the DeltaSpike Source.

Build without CDI Implementation Tests

DeltaSpike can be built without executing tests against a CDI implementation, with the following commands:

$ cd /path/to/deltaspike-project-1.9.4/
$ mvn clean install

Build and Test with a CDI Implementation

Tests can be executed with both the JBoss Weld and Apache OpenWebBeans CDI implementations.

Table 1. Build Tests
Container Command to Execute Arquillian Tests

JBoss Weld 1.x (CDI 1.0)

$ mvn clean install -PWeld1 -Dweld.version=1.1.33.Final

JBoss Weld 2.x (CDI 1.2)

$ mvn clean install -PWeld2 -Dweld.version=2.3.4.Final

JBoss Weld 3.x (CDI 2.0)

$ mvn clean install -PWeld3 -Dweld.version=3.0.0.Alpha16

Apache OpenWebBeans

$ mvn clean install -POWB

Build and Test with a CDI Container

Tests can be executed with JBoss Weld and Apache OpenWebBeans through Java EE 6+ application servers and containers. Configurations are currently provided as details in the table here.

Table 2. Integration Tests
Container Command to Execute Arquillian Tests

Apache TomEE

$ mvn clean install -Ptomee-build-managed

JBoss AS7 (without AS7 installation)

$ mvn clean install -Pjbossas-build-managed-7

JBoss AS7 (AS7 installation required)

Set JBoss_HOME

$ mvn clean install -Pjbossas-managed-7

JBoss WildFly 8 (without WildFly 8 installation)

mvn clean install -Pwildfly-build-managed

JBoss WildFly 8 (WildFly 8 installation required)


$ mvn clean install -Pwildfly-managed

Oracle GlassFish 3 (without GlassFish 3 installation)

mvn clean install -Pglassfish-build-managed-3

Oracle GlassFish 3.1 (GlassFish 3.1 installation required)

Install GlassFish (default setup without admin-password) and start GlassFish with asadmin start-domain and asadmin start-database.

$ mvn clean install -Pglassfish-remote-3.1

Oracle GlassFish 4 (without Oracle GlassFish 4 installation)

mvn clean install -Pglassfish-build-managed-4

Oracle WebLogic 12c

Install WebLogic 12c. Start Configuration Wizard to create a new basic WebLogic Domain. Default options and domain name = base_domain, administrator user name = weblogic1, administrator password = weblogic1. Set WLS_HOME so that %WLS_HOME%.jar exists. Start the domain.

$ mvn clean install -Pwls-remote-12c

Build and Debug with a Java EE6+ application servers

Tests can be debugged through Java EE 6+ application servers. Configurations are currently provided as details in the table here.

Table 3. Integration Tests with debug
Container Command to Execute Arquillian Tests with remote debugging

Apache TomEE

Use remote debuggig at port 5005

mvn test -Ptomee-build-managed -Dtest=UnitTestName -Dopenejb.server.debug=true
